5 Tips for a smooth Proposal

Lillington North Carolina Propsal/Engagement

If you’ve made it here, CONGRATS! Whether you’re the one thinking about proposing, or maybe sending this as a hint to someone you hope proposes to you, this is such an exciting decision. And I’m so happy you’re here!

After photographing different proposals, I’ve noticed a few things that help a proposal run smoothly and made it into this list. Hopefully something here helps you but please remember, rarely does anything ever go exactly as planned and you have to roll with the punches. At the end of the day, as long as you and your partner are happy it’s a true success!

WRAL Gardens, Raleigh, North Carolina Proposal Engagement Session

1. Location location location!
Finding the right location is important and can actually be a useful tool in your proposing arsenal. Maybe it’s the restaurant where you had your first date. Maybe it’s where y’all said I love you for the first time. Maybe it’s a completely random location that’s just beautiful! Wherever you choose, keep these things in mind:

-The time of day you plan to propose: this is going to affect your lighting and could affect how busy your location might be (if it’s a public place). Lighting is especially important if you’re going to hire a photographer.

-How easy it will be to access said location: last thing you want to happen is not be able to get to where you planned.

If you are able to, try to go to the location ahead of time so you know what to expect.
And if all of this feels really overwhelming or you’re not able to scout out a location ahead of time, hiring a photographer( like myself) can be super helpful!

2. Keep your partner in mind.
Do you want to do a wild hike with an epic view and propose during the sunrise (like my husband did)? Would your partner like something like that (like I did )?

If I didn’t like hiking in the middle of the night to watch the sunrise, Brock’s proposal might not have been as wonderful as it was. The coolest part of everything was that he listened at a point when I didn’t think he really was. I had mentioned after one of my friends got engaged that I wanted to get engaged on the side of a mountain and he made it happen. I forgot that I had even mentioned it to him! It was cold, long and absolutely beautiful. I love our engagement story and am so happy with how well he paid attention.

Of course you’ll want to add a flare of yourself in your proposal but don’t forget to plan your proposal with your partner in mind as well. Maybe they want their family there, maybe they don’t. Maybe they want it to be super intimate or maybe they want it on the Jumbotron at a game. Asking them is always a good spot to start.

3. Have the ring easily accessible when you pop the question.
Honestly this one is a little self explanatory but something that can be easily overlooked. Last thing you want to do is try fumbling around when you’re already nervous.
I’ve had guys hide rings in their socks, pockets, fanny packs, given to a trusted friend or family member; there are countless ways to properly prepare the ring.

Lillington, North Carolina, Engagement

4. Practice beforehand.
Ok I know, I know, this sounds ridiculous. And I fully understand that my “piano-teacher” is showing but firmly stand by this! Practicing what you’re going to do before you actually do it can be so helpful. Practice what you’re going to say, practice kneeling, walk the location you want to do it at, at the time you are hoping to propose at. Practice taking the ring out. Practicing a head of time will help for when those nerves kick in and you’ll be less likely to freeze, rush through it, fumble the ring and hopefully will help put you at ease.

Raleigh, North Carolina, Elopement, Wedding

5. Hire a photographer 😜
I might be biased in this area but hiring a local photographer can be a real asset in your planning! I love planning proposals. I love helping you find a location, get your story in order and then capture the pure excitement of the moment. And then y’all will have the photos to relive the moment over and over again.

Bonus tip and reminder, rarely does anything ever go exactly as planned. At the end of the day, as long as you and your partner are happy it’ll be a true success!

Asheville, North Carolina, Elopement

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Lillington Proposal

June 25, 2024

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